Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2010 Complete Sharing List

Donated as of January 16, 2010:                  $71,566.23
Needs Filled:                                                   $63,883.31                                               
Balance Jan. 20, 2010                                     $ 7,682.92
Potluck Hostesses Shelley Benson & Jeanne Dorn
January 20:  Stroller for mother of young child.  Referral facilitated by PHN, South County ($32.63)
January 21:  Toilet paper, breast pads, shampoo, and other toiletries for mom whose children are currently wards of the court.  Referral facilitated by PHN, South County ($50)
January 21:  Partial payment for two moms in pain to have dental treatments.  Referral:  Dot, Martha’s Place Children’s Assessment Center, San Luis Obispo ($600)
January 21:  Partial payment for 7-year-old to have cavities filled and root canals.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP ($283)
January 21:  Partial payment for 8 children under 6 to have dental surgeries.  Dr. Walker always absorbs part of the cost of the patients we help support.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP ($400)
January 21:  Bus passes for teen dad in San Luis to visit his baby, who lives in San Miguel, on the weekends. Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP, delivered by Linda Jankay  ($36)
January 26:  Phone cards for a mom and daughter.  The daughter is pregnant, had had trouble with her pregnancy, and lives in a very isolated, rundown house in Nipomo.  The phones will allow the daughter to contact mom, doctor, or a ride in an emergency.  Referral:  Laurie Morgan, SAFE Family Resource Center, delivered by Linda Jankay ($90)
February 4:  Partial rent for mother and her two young children; they are victims of domestic violence.  Referral:  Angela Barakat, SLO Child Development Center ($500)
February 5:  Sheets and pack-n-play for new baby to use as its bed.  Referral facilitated by PHN, North County, shopping by Linda Jankay ($48.94)
February 5:  Crib for young baby.  Referral facilitated by PHN, Coast, shopping by Linda Jankay ($135.94)
February 5:  Pack-n-play and sheets for new baby to use as its bed.  Referral facilitated by PHN, North County, shopping by Linda Jankay ($58.73)
February 5:  Car seat for toddler.  Referral facilitated by PHN, San Luis, shopping by Linda Jankay ($65.24)
February 9:  Stroller for baby in San Miguel.  Referral facilitated by PHN, shopping by Marcie Lindvall, delivery by Emily Jones ($48.94)
February 10:  Crib and swing for new baby.  Referral facilitated by PHN, Coast, shopping by Marcie Lindvall ($190.31)
February 12:  Clothes and shoes for SLOHS boy who only has 2 sets of clothes for school.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP ($140)
February 16:  Partial payment for supplies for the renovation of a mobile home to meet the needs of a man with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease).  His wife makes only a modest income.  Referral:  Lisa Martinez, Women’s Shelter of SLO ($500)
February 17:  Highchair and diapers for young child whose mother has been laid off from her job.  Referral facilitated by PHN, shopping by Marcie Lindvall ($86.11 and $38.06)
February 17:  Child safety gate to protect toddler.  Referral facilitated by PHN, shopping by Marcie Lindvall ($21.74)
February 17:  Toddler clothes for little boy.  Referral facilitated by PHN, shopping by Marcie Lindvall ($67.97)
February 19:  Clothes for young child with none in Paso Robles.  Referral facilitated by PHN, shopping by Marcie Lindvall ($95.70)
February 22:  Rent for a room for a family with a medically vulnerable infant facing eviction.  Referral facilitated by PHN, North County ($400)
February 22:  Car seat for a special needs child.  Referral facilitated by PHN, North County and purchased by Marcie Lindvall ($65.24)
February 22:  Clothes for a toddler girl whose family is struggling.  Referral facilitated by PHN, San Luis and purchased by Marcie Lindvall ($60.90)
February 26:  Partial rent for single mother of 3.  Referral:  Lisa Martinez, Women’s Shelter ($400)
March 1:  Car seat for 1-year-old.  Referral facilitated by PHN, Morro Bay and purchased by Judy Riener ($65.24)
March 3:  Twin bed for young boy.  Referral facilitated by PHN, Morro Bay and purchased by Judy Riener ($30)
March 3:  Blanket for teen mom.  Referral facilitated by PHN, Morro Bay and purchased by Judy Riener ($3.26)
March 4:  18-month boy’s clothes and pack-n-play for at-risk family.  Referral facilitated by PHN, San Luis and purchased by Judy Riener ($26.60 check and $43.00 credit from MGR)
March 10:  Crib mattress for newborn.  Referral facilitated by PHN, South County, purchased by Judy Riener ($65.24)
March 10:  Crib and clothes for newborn girl. Referral facilitated by PHN, North County, purchased by Judy Riener ($138.66)
March 10:  Infant baby clothes.  Referral facilitated by PHN, North County, purchased by Judy Riener (29.36)
March 22:  Stroller for mom to transport toddler.  Referral facilitated by PHN, San Luis, and Judy Riener ($35)
March 22:  Infant crib for newborn.  Referral facilitated by PHN, North County and Sharynn Chirpich ($20)
March 22:  Car seat for 7-month-old.  Referral facilitated by PHN, North County and Judy Riener ($48.93)
March 22:  Clothes for 18-month-old.  Referral facilitated by PHN, North County and Judy Riener ($41.33 MGR credit)
March 22:  Gas for family to drive baby to medical appointments.  Referral facilitated by PHN and Linda Jankay  ($50)
March 22:  Baby clothes for children in North County and San Luis.  Referral facilitated by PHNs and Linda Jankay ($49.05)
March 25:  Mattress for young boy whose family is struggling.  Referral facilitated by PHN, North County and purchased by Judy Riener ($30)
March 23:  Gas for a Nipomo client who is nearly finished with training for a CA State Exam in Lompoc, but has had to relocate to San Luis because of her abuser.  Referral:  Lisa Martinez, Women’s Shelter ($100)
March 24:  Clothes and shoes for a 6th grader for his weeklong school field trip and food for him, his baby sister, and mother who all live in a small trailer in San Luis.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP, delivered by Judy Riener ($240)
March 26:  Microwave for 17-year-old single mom to use as only cooking source.  Referral facilitated by PHN, South County and purchased by Judy Riener ($76.11)
March 26:  Gas card for mother with no car to allay transportation costs for a friend who is transporting the mom daily to see her infant in Sierra Vista’s NICU.  Referral:  Social Services, Sierra Vista, purchased and delivered by Judy Riener ($100)
March 27:  Stroller for mom to transport child to store and appointments.  Referral facilitated by PHN, South County ($50)
March 30:  Frenectomy for 9-year-old boy whose tongue is attached to lower part of mouth causing speech difficulties.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP ($155)
March 30:  Oral surgeries for 6 children ages 18 months to 4 years.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP ($300)
March 31:  Oral surgery for 2-year-old.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP ($300)
March 31:  Partial rent for family of 5.  One child is very sick and rent money has been used for his care.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP ($300)
Donated as of March 31, 2010:               $75,136.23                       
Needs Filled:                                             $73,100.75                       
Balance March 31, 2010                           $ 2,035.48
Potlucks: April 13, Pat Cano’s; April 14, Carol Devore’s; April 19, Cypress Room – hosted by Rosemary Cleaves
April 1:  2 level 2 car seats for toddlers of 2 struggling families.  Referral facilitated by PHN, San Luis, shopping by Susan Updegrove ($97.85)

April 9:  Pack-n- play for new baby to use as his crib.  Referral facilitated by PHN, San Luis, purchased by Susan Updegrove  ($26.93)

April 13:  Business attire for a wheel chair bound woman to begin her job as a receptionist.   Referral:  Phyllis Braiotta, CAPSLO Adult Day Services ($200)

April 14:  Crib for newborn to be cared for by grandparents.  Referral facilitated by PHN, Coast, purchased by Susan Updegrove ($100)

April 17:  Dental treatments for 7 teens in pain.  Referral: Cecelia, CDHP ($898.70)

April 20:  Glasses for mother in need.  Referral:  Terri Kurczewski, San Luis Child Development Center, delivered by Wendy Daly ($164.97)

April 26:  Bouncer for young baby.  Referral:  PHN, North County, purchased by Susan Updegrove. ($20)

April 26:  Car seat, swing, and stroller for teen mom to use with her new baby.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis ($50 and $40 scrip from Merry-Go-Round)

April 27:  Tires for woman caring for special needs grandson.  Vandals slashed her new tires and she can’t afford to replace them, and, therefore, is unable to provide transportation between their home on the coast and his elementary program in San Luis.  Referral:  Angela Barakat, San Luis Obispo Child Development Center ($100)

April 27:  Bus passes for struggling victim of domestic violence to travel between school and home.  Referral:  Lisa Martinez, Women’s Shelter, purchased by Susan Updegrove ($35)

May 3:  Safety gate to keep toddler out of kitchen.  Referral:   PHN, South County, shopping by Wendy Daly ($21.74)

May 3:  Crib for baby born early.  Referral facilitated by PHN, North County, shopping by Wendy Daly ($126.21 and $9.00 scrip and $25 price reduction from Merry-Go-Round)

May 3:  Car seat for young toddler.  Referral facilitated by PHN, North County, shopping by Wendy Daly ($59.80)

May 3:  Wall-mounted baby changing table for Prado Day Center to replace broken one and keep babies off the floor.  Referral:  Shawn Ison, Prado ($323.67)

May 4:  Rent for a single mom of two children.  Her oldest child is disabled and required surgery last week up in the Bay Area.  Consequently, mom lost a week’s worth of wages and she does not have enough money to pay this month’s rent.  Referral:  Lisa Martinez, Women’s Shelter ($500)

May 5:  Glasses for 1st grade son of single father of 3.  Referral:  Dana Francis, counselor, Sinsheimer Elementary ($200)

May 10:  Car seat for 6-month-old.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis Obispo, shopping by Marcie Lindvall ($65.23)

May 11:  Port-a-crib for homeless baby staying in a motel; the child is too big to sleep in the bassinet the family is currently using.  Referral:  PHN, South County, shopping by Marcie Lindvall ($60)

May 13:  Parents lost their only child, age 7, to a brain tumor.  While caring for their daughter, the mother has been out of work and costs have been overwhelming.  They have been asked to return the current month’s SSI since the child is no longer living.  Womenade helped with partial payment of funeral costs.  Referral:  Stella Medina, SAFE, Oceano ($470)

May 17:  Emergency dental treatment for 13-year-old girl in pain.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP, ($110)

May 18:  Summer counseling camp sponsorship for 10 students attending the Vicente Day Treatment Program.  These severely emotionally disturbed students, many who live at the Youth Treatment Program run by Mental Health, need this therapeutic camp to maintain school year gains and continue educational and emotional progress.  Referral:  Naomi Blakely, program specialist, San Luis Coastal and John Taylor, teacher, Vicente Day Treatment Program ($1,000)

May 19:  Dental surgeries for 4 children aged 3 and 4.  Referral:  Cecelia, CDHP ($250)

May 20:  Stroller and car seat for 2 young children in separate families.  Referral:  PHN, Coast, and shopping by Marcie Lindvall ($27.19 and $59.80)

May 25:  Emergency dental treatment for young boy.  Referral: Cecelia, CHDP ($100)

May 25:  Emergency dental treatment for young girl.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP ($110)

May 25:  Emergency dental treatment for two teens.  Referral:  Cecelia, CDHP ($220)

May 26:  Food for a foster home whose garage was burglarized and all stored food taken.  Referral:  Ken Miles, Family Care Network  ($200)

May 28:  Dental x-rays for young boy.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP ($65)

May 28:  Partial payment to fill 13 cavities for a 15-year-old boy who had never been to the dentist.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP ($200)

June 1:  Emergency diapers for toddler in San Luis.  Referral:  PHN ($34.78)

June 2:  Car window replacement for San Luis single mother of 3 children.  Referral:  Lisa Martinez, Women’s Shelter ($195)

June 3:  Partial residential camp payment for at-risk child.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP ($100)

June 3:  Partial rent payment for struggling family; the husband is out of work due to cancer diagnosis.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP ($200)

June 3:  Dental treatment for 10-year-old in pain; first trip to dentist.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP ($110)

June 11:  Partial payment for Morro Bay student to participate in cheerleading.  Mother has frequently been hospitalized, and the father cannot afford the full $900 cost.   The school has agreed to a payment plan for the balance.  Referral:  Tania Resendiz, Atascadero Community Link  ($200)

June 14:  Large Styrofoam cooler for family whose electricity has been shut off.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis ($10.99)

June 15:  Financial assistance for 60-year-old to participate in Cuesta College’s LVN program for which she has qualified.  Students are discouraged from hold part-time jobs during this one-year intensive program.  Referral:  Alyce Crawford ($200)
June 16:  Counseling sessions (4) for an abused mother and her daughter with a Spanish-speaking psychologist who is donating half of her fee.  Referral:  Andrea Blanco, Laguna ($160)

June 17:  Utility payments for Avila Beach mother and her daughter, age 2.  Referral:  Tania Resendiz, Atascadero Community Link ($21.01 and $27.70)

June 21:  Partial rent and DMV registration fees for single mom.  Referral:  Lisa Martinez, Women’s Shelter ($200 and $92)

June 22:  Emergency diapers for newborn whose mom is having multiple problems.  Referral:  PHN, South County ($52.13)

June 28:  Baby gates to protect toddler.  Referral:  PHN, Coast ($43.48)

Donated as of June 30, 2010:                $  81,463.46           
Needs Filled:                                           $  79,192.62                       
Balance June 30, 2010                           $     2,270.84
Potlucks:  August 19, at Naomi Blakely and at Carol Devore’s; August 23, Cypress Pavilion – hosted by Mona Tucker and Pat Okura

July 1:  High chair for homeless 6-month-old baby living in a motel, so she can sit up and learn to eat sold food.  Referral:  PHN, South County, shopping by Linda Blonsley ($30.09)

July 6:  Car seat for newborn.  Referral:  PHN, shopping by Linda Blonsley ($27.19)

July 9:  Stroller for 1-year-old and swing for 2-month-old.  Referral:  PHN, Coast, and shopping by Linda Blonsley ($97.88)

July 12:  High chair for toddler.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis, shopping by Linda Blonsley ($27.19)

July 12:  Medical evaluation and 2 appointments for a client with severe PTSD and anxiety symptoms that she is experiencing from her victimization.  Referral:  Therapist and Lisa Martinez, Women’s Shelter ($200) Follow up:  Because of our help, this client is now eligible for temporary SSI benefits.  The Women’s Shelter is very grateful.

July 15:  Partial rent payment for abused mother and abused children aged 7, 5, 3, and 1.  Mom taking LVN exam in August.  Referral:  Angela Barakat, San Luis Child Development Center ($500)

July 19:  Food for family of 5 whose parent has lost her job.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP ($150)

July 22: Partial payment for a blood test to check a 17-year-old pregnant mom for an unusual genetic trait, mitochondrial defect.  Medi-Cal will not pay for this test.  Referral:  PHN, ($200)

July 27:  Summer swimming passes to Sinsheimer  pool for a Los Osos homeless mom and her two children who are staying at the San Luis Shelter.  Referral:  Tania Resendiz, Family Advocate, Atascadero Community Link ($72)

August 5:  Exercise saucer and sippy cups for 4-month-old baby who lives in a very small setting.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis and shopping by Sharynn Chirpich ($ and $5.64)

August 5:  Dental exams for four teens and preteens.  Referral:  Cecelia, CDHP ($440)

August 11:  Gas bill payment for family that has had all utilities shut off.  CAP is helping with the other utility – they can pay only one utility bill per client.  Referral:  First Time Mother’s Program, South County ($80.92)

August 12:  Baby swing and bottles for child of single mom.  Referral:  PHN, South County, with discount from Merry-Go-Round ($21.50 and $8.66)

August 12:  Activity table for small child living in a tiny place.  Referral:  PHN, South County, with discount from Merry-Go-Round ($12.31)

April 13:  Baby monitor for 1-month-old.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis and shopping by Sharynn Chirpich ($17.00)

August 16:  Partial rent deposit for mom and her 3 children who are moving into their own place; mom is also starting a new job.  The family has been with the Child Development Center for almost 2 years.  Referral:  Angela Barakat, SLOCDC ($300)

August 17:  Walker for young child.  Referral:  PHN, North County, purchased with Merry-Go-Round Scrip ($16.31)

August 18:  Emergency formula for small baby.  Referral:  PHN, North County  ($35.98)

August 23:  Birth certificate so baby can receive Medi-Cal.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis ($17)

August 31:  Diapers, wipes, and gas card for mom whose husband has left the family.  Referral:  Tania Resendiz, Family Advocate ($142.72)

September 2:  Dental treatments for two children.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP ($248.60)

September 2:  Emergency dental treatment for young boy.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP ($300)

September 2:  Food, clothing, and shoes for family whose father has had his workweek reduced to one day only.  Referral:  Cecelia, CHDP ($300)

September 6:  White dress shirt and t-shirts for student to participate in Los Osos Middle School choir.  Referral:  Tania Resendiz, Family Advocate, shopping by Julie Klopping ($34.22)

September 8:  Refrigerator for recently widowed mother of 2 adopted children; the family has been using a cooler for 2 months since she cannot afford to replace her appliance.  The mother does not qualify for assistance since she is working part-time.  Referral:  Mara Whitten, CAPSLO ($486.15 – rebate to return $200)

September 8:  Baby swing and sturdy stroller for baby in family that is struggling.  Referral:  PHN, shopping, Julie Klopping ($62.87)

September 12:  Replacement tools for a self-employed gardener who is barely able to meet her needs.  She has no garage, and keeps her tools in her truck, completely covered.  These tools were stolen this week, and she is left with no way to work.  Referral:  Naomi Blakely ($400)

September 15:  Child safety gates for 2 young toddlers.  Referral:  PHNs, San Luis ($47.83)

September 16:  Gas card for family of 3-year-old boy undergoing tests on his brain at UCLA.  Referral:  CCS ($163.65)

September 16:  Partial dental treatment payment for young girl; Dr. Tran is working with the family on monthly payments for the remainder.  Referral:  County ($223.72)

September 17:  Required fingerprinting for mother of 4, on a limited income, so that she can volunteer in her daughters’ classes.  Referral: PHN, South County ($58)

September 22:  Double stroller for family in crises.  Referral:  Erin Brzykcy, PEEP STARS, C.L. Smith and purchased and delivered by Sharynn Chirpich  ($25)

September 23:  Food and gas for grandmother who has had to give up her job to assume care of her grandchildren ages 9 months and 2 years..  Eventually Social Services will assist her, but it has been over a month, and no money yet, so she is desperate.  Double stroller so she can leave home with both children.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis ($400 and $92.44)

September 27:  Rent for mother of 4 whose husband just left her to live with his girlfriend.  She has a one-year-old and a 12-year-old with Asberger’s as well as 2 older children.  The mom is on disability for cancer treatments.  Referral:  Shelia, Mountainbrook  ($500)

September 28:  Rent for single abused mom with 3 children who has been recently laid off.  Referral:  Lisa Martinez, Women’s Shelter ($500)

September 29:  Baby monitor for parent of new baby.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis and shopping by Linda Jankay ($25.19)

September 29:  Car seat for new baby girl.  Referral, PHN, San Luis and shopping by Linda Jankay ($72.88)

September 29:  High chair for 9-month-old of a single dad.  Referral:  PHN, South County and shopping by Linda Jankay ($54.38)
Donated as of September 30, 2010:      $  88,872.01           
Needs Filled:                                           $    6,820.63                       
Balance June 30, 2010                            $    3,725.63
Potlucks:  October 5, at Linda Bishop’s; November 9, Cypress Ridge, Cypress Room – hosted by Diana Henderson and Nell Quijano.
October 1:  Factory second refrigerator for single mom and her 3 children who have been living out of coolers for months.  Referral:  PHN, North County ($216.71)
October 1:  Beginning wart treatment at the Community Health Center for a 5th grade girl with warts on her hands and arms.  They pay on a sliding scale at the center, but treatment is still prohibitive for this family.  Referral:  Mo McGee, nurse, San Luis Coastal ($100)
October 10:  Gas card for mom to get to her new job and children to daycare.  Referral:  PHN, First Time Mothers Program, North County ($150)
October 12:  Baby walker for 10-month-old.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis and shopping by Shelia Niemi ($40.26)
October 12:  Bus passes for mother and her 2 children who are all living in the San Luis shelter.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis and purchasing by Shelia Niemi ($111.00)
October 12:  Baby gate for family moving out of the shelter and into an apartment.  Referral:  PHN, South County and shopping by Shelia Niemi ($23.91)
October 12:  Clothes, shoes, and diapers for an 18-month-old baby whose mother has emotional and family problems.  Referral:  PHN, First Time Mothers Program, North County and shopping by Shelia Niemi ($165.36)
October 14:  Excersaucer for 2-year-old and clothes for him and 4-month-old sibling.  Grandma, who is on a small fixed income, recently took custody of the children since their mother is in jail.  Referral:  PHN, North County, shopping by Shelia Niemi ($176.68)
October 18:  Food and gas for family going to UCLA for tests for their child’s seizure disorder.  Referral:  PHN, South County ($200)
October 20:  Clothes and shoes for 2 children at the SLO shelter.  Mom has a job and is applying for housing.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis, and shopping by Shelia Niemi ($165.50)

October 20:  Dental surgery for a young girl who, along with her 2 siblings, is being raised by her grandmother.  The little girl had a tumor in her neck; because of the surgery, she is having major dental problems. The grandma is hurting financially because of the trips to L.A. for the surgery.  Referral:  Laurie Morgan, SAFE ($150)

October 23:  Swing for young baby.  Referral:  PHN, First Time Mothers, North County, and shopping be Shelia Niemi ($20.39)

October 24:  Precancerous medical exam for 19-year-old girl.  Referral:  Cecelia ($85)

October 28:  Crib for young child of a single mom.  Referral:  PHN, Morro Bay ($140.70)

November 1:  Initiation of backpack food program for 3 Laguna students – one in homeless shelter, one in motel, and one in apartment.  Program developed by Arlene Yost and Laguna counselor, Megan Healy.  Backpacks from Melissa Musgrave through Food Bank.  Food organization and support from Arlene Yost, Donna Jeberjahn, Vanessa Fujimoto, Michele Hall, and Francine Johnston.

November 1:  Gas card for parents in South County to visit their baby, born at 30 weeks, in Sierra Vista’s NICU.  Referral:  Sierra Vista Social Workers ($100)

November 1:  Gas card for family to take their ill 14-month daughter to Children’s Hospital L.A.’s PICU.  Referral:  Sierra Vista social workers ($50)

November 3:  Bus passes for family to get to work, appointments, and schools from SLO Homeless Shelter.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis Obispo and purchase by Judy Riener ($111)

November 4:  Dental exam and x-rays for 21-year-old boy who has not had dental treatment for 10 years.  Referral:  Cecelia ($110)

November 5:  Clothes and shoes for 3 and 6-year-old in SLO Homeless Shelter.  Referral: PHN, San Luis Obispo and shopping by Judy Riener ($102.64)

November 8:  Rent for a mom who can’t pay because the child support has not been paid.  Referral:  Lisa Martinez, Women’s Shelter ($221)

November 9:  Dental treatment for 1-year-old boy who fell and hurt his new teeth.  Referral:  Cecelia ($68)

November 9:  Emergency dental surgery for 3-year-old.  Referral:  Cecelia ($100)

November 9:  Dental exam, cleaning, and x-rays for 10-year-old.  Referral:  Cecelia ($110)

November 10:  High chair for toddler to learn self-feeding.  Referral:  PHN, North County and shopping by Judy Riener ($50)

November 10:  High chair and port-a-crib for young baby.  Referral:  PHN, North County and shopping by Linda Jankay ($95)

November 10:  Rent for a young family with a newborn and 5-year-old who got a 3-day eviction notice.  Dad has been laid off and mom is on maternity leave; due to a gap in SDI and unemployment, they are unable to make rent this month.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis ($300)

November 10:  Double stroller for a struggling family with newborn twins and a 2-year-old.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis and shopping by Linda Jankay ($160.56)

November 10:  Two weeks of cancer-fighting meals from The Wellness Kitchen in Templeton for a woman who will be receiving major cancer treatment for 6-8 months.  Referral:  Sandy Adler, Bellevue-Sante Fe ($120)

November 16:  Emergency diapers for young child in the Homeless Shelter.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis and shopping by Linda Jankay ($46.53)

November 16:  Movie and Children’s Museum passes for abused homeless mom and her abused children in order to spend time in a different atmosphere than Prado Day Center during days off school.  Referral:  PHN ($32.50 and $40)

November 16:  Shingles vaccination for MS patient.  She has MediCal and Medicare, but they do not cover this protection, and she needs the shot so she can take her MS medication.  Referral:  Donna Elam, nurse ($210)

November 17:  Food, diapers, and wipes for mom and her 9-month-old baby.  The father is now out of the picture.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis ($159.78 and $39.59)

November 17:  Double stroller for struggling family.  Referral:  PHN, North County and shopping by Judy Riener ($65)

November 17:  Stroller for young boy.  Referral:  PHN, North County and shopping by Linda Jankay ($48.94)

November 29:  Gas card for family to travel to San Francisco hospital to care for their child.  Referral:  PHN, South County ($100)

November 30:  Three nights in a motel for a mom and her middle school son who were staying with another family who decided to move out of the area.  Motel housing is until out-of-town relatives can pick mom and son up to live with them.  Heavy bags to put the family’s belongings in for the move.   Referral:  Tania Resendez, Family Advocate - LINK, Morro Bay ($141.25 and $9.78)

December 1:  RTA bus passes for parents of an 18-month baby, so the family can get to medical appointments.  Referral:  PHN, South County and shopping by Pat Cano ($120)

December 1:  Crib for new baby of single mom.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis ($226.15)

December 6:  Bed rail for 53-year-old woman with Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Adrenal insufficiency to get her independent in getting in and out of bed.  Referral:  Donna Elam, nurse, and shopping by Pat Cano  ($76.11)

December 6:  Emergency diapers for homeless baby.  Referral:  PHN and shopping by Pat Cano ($58.98)

December 9:  Partial rent and groceries for mother, father, and their two preschoolers who have whooping cough and have been sick for 2 months.  Referral:  Tala Romero, CAPSLO, MB Head Start ($400 with shopping by Linda Jankay and gifts for the children from Marcie Lindvall and Linda Jankay)

December 10:  Admission fees for hard-working student to apply to 2 colleges.  Referral: Heidi Leal, counselor, San Luis High ($110)

December 11: Two-night holiday hotel stay for homeless mother and her two daughters.  Referral:  Megan Healy, counselor, Laguna Middle ($266.56)

December 10:  Gas card and movie certificates for single father and his three sons.  Referral:  Megan Healy, counselor, Laguna Middle and shopping by Marcie Lindvall ($131.98)

December 11:  Christmas Day dinner for homeless family.  Referral:  Megan Healy, counselor, Laguna Middle and shopping by Pat Cano ($95)

December 13:  Childcare payment to Kids’ Care for child of a single mom.  Her support was cut this month.  Referral:  Lisa Martinez, Women’s Shelter ($249.90)

December 15:  Partial rent for single mom and her 2 children facing a 3-day eviction notice.  Referral:  Shelia, Mountainbrook ($270)

December 16:  Highchair for 7-month-old.  Referral:  PHN and shopping by Pat Cano ($30.44)

December 16:  Port-a-crib for baby in a motel.  Referral:  PHN and shopping by Pat Cano ($81.56)

December 16:  Partial payment of water bill to prevent service shut off for family of 4 in section 8 housing.  Referral:  Shelia, Mountainbrook ($171)

December 20:  Fees for Advanced Placement Tests for 3 AVID students whose families are struggling.  Referral:  Chris Jones, Assistant Principal, Paso Robles High ($450)

December 22:  Gas cards for family to travel to Children’s Hospital in L.A. where their 1-year-old is having multiple surgeries.  Father is in construction and work has been interrupted by the weather conditions.  Referral:  Linda Wolff, CCS ($200)

December 22:  Partial rent for single mom who, along with her family, was going to be evicted because she had to fix their car, and that made her short on rent.  Referral:  Julie Jones ($400)

December 22:  Toys for a family living in a mobile home in San Luis whose children attend Laguna and Los Ranchos.  Referral:  Julie Jones ($140)

December 22:  Ballet lessons for a little girl whose family is not able to buy gifts; the lessons were all she wanted for the holiday.  Referral:  Julie Jones ($100)

December 22:  Sleeping bags and sweatshirts for farm workers.  Referral:  PHN, North County, shopping by Julie Jones ($160)

December 23: Lab work for young girl to check for recurrence of cancer.  Referral:  Cecelia ($170)

December 27: Gas card for family in Sierra Vista NICU to visit their new baby.  Referral:  social worker, Sierra Vista ($150)

December 27:  Parent participation class for mother of an 18-month-old boy.  Referral:  PHN, San Luis ($20)

December 27:  Helmet and lock for woman to bike to work.  Referral from Women’s Shelter, funding by Roberta Filadelfia, and shopping by Pat Cano  ($50)
Donated from 2003 to Dec. 31, 2010:                         $  101,753.65           
Needs filled this quarter:                                                $      8,464.76                       
Balance December 31, 2010                                                $      8,342.51

Items Donated: Clothes and toys from Jen Stokes; formula and baby food from Taffy Duran to mom on one breast; twin bed – half from Marcy Owens and half from Susan Updegrove: port-a-crib crib from Diana Foch: twin sheets and bedspreads from Elaine Gardiner: stroller from Taffy Duran to a mom and baby living on the streets; stroller from CCMC delivered by Pat Cano, bassinette for newborn in North County from Krista Braun, delivered by Cecelia Braun and Linda Jankay; 2 cribs delivered to Paso by David Ritchie; bed safety rail from Ann Smith: baby girl clothes from Muriel Harkins; clothes, toys from Elaine Stewart; stroller and highchair from Rosemary Cleaves; toiletries delivered to Grizzly Academy and Prado Day by Kat Tuculet; crib from Tracy Robertson delivered by Judy Riener; double bed from Linda Jankay; double bed from Teana Fredeen; electric blanket from Michele Hall; blanket and heater from Anne Appel; crib delivery by Karen Muschenetz; car seat, bouncer, swing, play mat, clothes, car seats and bases from Diane Wettlaufer; baby girl clothes from Muriel Harkins; 2 double beds and linens donated and delivered by Lisa Lewis; daybed from Connie Willard; pillows from Alyce Crawford; hours of accounting and tax support from Roger Bishop; children’s clothes from Pat Cano; items for Prado from Lynn DeLeo and Kat Tuculet; breakfasts for moms and their children from Muriel Harkins.  Total March 31, 2010 - $1,276.33.  Doreen Wetzel – toiletries for Grizzly Academy and Prado, boys clothes from Jen Stokes; girls clothes from Judy Riener and Summer Long; girl clothes from Susie Miner; food for Prado from Sara Medzyk and Christine Cooper and delivered by Rosemary Cleaves and Frank Richardson; toiletries from Erin Schimke to Family Care Network; crib sheets and mattress pads from Margie Noble Englund, Jen Miller of ALPHA, and Diana Foch; TV from Nicole Framberger; 10 breakfasts from Judy Riener; stroller from Denise Barilla; diapers from Hospice Partners via Anne Appel; sofa, table and 2 chairs from Hospice Partners Hope Chest via Gil Blonsley, Anne Appel, Pam McKiernan, and Vivian Levy; pack-n-play from Sharynn Chirpich; baby items and clothing from Amy Armstrong; crib from United Methodist Preschool to new baby in Paso; crib donated and delivered by Ken and Judy Riener; stroller donated by Rose Fowler; car seat from Francine Johnston; baby formula from Kathy Long; baby gate from Francine Johnston; baby clothes from Sally Equinoa; stroller from Rodessa Newton; baby boy clothes from Francine Johnston; 2 cribs delivered to North County by Arlene and Larry Versaw; lawn mower and food from Sharyn Lombardi; car seat, blankets and new infant clothing to newborn from Karen Johandes; phone answering machine from Belinda Benassi to BigBrother/Sister family; diapers for the DeGroots from Kemay Eoyong; clothing, blankets, towels and diapers donated to three newborn girls from Marcie Lindvall, Lynn DeLeo, Diana Henderson, Michele Hall, Hospice Partners via Anne Appel, Julie Jones, Marilyn Fuller, and Marylou Gooden; small refrigerator for family living in a trailer from Taffy Duran; port-a-crib and sheets from Sharynn and Jerry Chirpich; juice for Prado Day Center from Donna Jeberjahn, Barb and Claude Remillard (Ouse); port-a-crib from Sharynn Chirpich;  crib and toys from Tina Wagner, delivered by Elaine Stewart; port-a-crib from Jerry and Sharynn Chirpich; receiving blankets and diapers for twin newborn brothers; twin mattress for young boy; infant stroller and baby swing; shoes for 5-year-old homeless boy; room cooling fan for mother and infant twins living in small apartment; crib for homeless baby in North County; crib  for South County baby; crib for newborn triplets; twin trundle bed from Jordis Daigle: Total June 30, 2010 - $2,352.82.  Toiletries for Prado and Family Care Network from Jayne Auchterlone, Sharynn Chirpich, and Lynn De Leo, delivered by Lynn; diapers from Marian Gregory; 2 port-a-cribs and a stroller from Jerry and Sharynn Chirpich; backpacks and school supplies from Marla and Robert Eaton, Marcie Lindvall, Leslie McKinley, and Susan Updegrove, delivered by Julie and Ernie Jones: children’s school clothes from Roberta Kassak, Frank and Arlene Yost, Zola Zybura, Margie Noble-Englund, Kat Tuculet, Carol Devore, Lainie Wachter, Doreen Wetzel, and delivered by Chris Jones; baby clothes, blankets, toys, carriers, formula, and mattress from Amy Miner Felice; 2 port-a-cribs, sheets, and diapers from Jerry and Sharynn Chirpich; vacuum cleaner and bags from Rosemary Cleaves, flannel sheets from Linda Blonsley, 3T clothes and sippy cups from Anne Turner; school supplies for foster children of Family Care Network from Taffy Duran and the Cal Poly Corporation staff, Rose Fowler, Deirdre Wynne, Judy Riener, Christie ?,  ?,  Rosemary Cleaves, Diana Henderson, Lynn DeLeo, Susan Heidenreith, Cindy Giambalvo, Nell Quijano, Luanna Cheda, Sandy Amborn, Jayne Auchterlone , and ?; pack-n-play, Sharynn and Jerry Chirpich; girls’ clothes from Summer Long; boys’ clothes from Jennifer Stokes; children’s clothes and toys from Elaine Stewart; 9 hours of financial organizational assistance for man whose wife has MS from Conny Gut; crib from Leslie McKinley; pack-n-play from Arlene Versaw; 2 strollers from Hospice Partners; newborn boy clothing, blankets, toys, books, formula, and diapers from Vivian Levy and Hospice Partners, Pam McKiernan, Francine Johnston, Lisa Ray, Diana Foch, Jackie Miller, Susan Updegrove, Kat Tuculet, Marylou Gooden, Marty Thomas, Denise Barilla, Rose Fowler, Linda Holland, Arlene Versaw, Diana Henderson, and Ann Jones; bathtub, swing, bouncer, clothes from  ?, Lainie Wachter, Carol Devore, Janie Holland, and Beth and David Owen; car seat, Denise Barilla; towels from Pat Meyer: 2 double strollers, high chair, potty, clothes, shoes and socks for small child; bouncer for infant from Merry-G-Round scrip; wipes for students in San Luis schools from Marilyn Banducci, Linda Brady, Susan Updegrove, Rosemary Cleaves; tutoring for a middle school student by Annie Moore and Arlene Yost; baby gate and high chair from Carol Tickner; Halloween costumes to Family Care Network from Miriam Alikhan’s Moms Group; bed from Lyn Bonzi; double stroller from Jerry and Sharynn Chirpich; high chair from Sandy Gillespie; diapers from Marylou Gooden, Linda Griffith, Carol Stern, Mariam Shah, Joanne Smalley, Jean Dyer, Barbara Deil, Michele Hall, Connie Buffa, Debbie Bennett, Lainie Wachter. and Marilyn Fuller; freezer to Grass Roots 2 from Barbara Crawford; infant carseat from Susie Miner;  2 cribs, 2 port-a-cribs, two high chairs, and other infant furniture from Tricia and Mary Gregoire  - items immediately went out to meet desperate needs via PHNs and Family Care Network; baby clothes from Fran Harrell; Total September 30, 2010 - $3,014.18.   Grocery cards from Sara Cress; diapers for Family Care Network from Michele Hall, Naomi Blakely, Rodessa Newton, Jackie Miller, Linda Couser, Sharynn Chirpich, Florence Simon,?, Arlene Versaw, and Susan Updegrove; water bottles, clothes, and purses from Lyn Bonzi; baby clothes and toiletries from Lisa Harrell; rugs for small baby from Lygia Smidt and Margie Noble-Englund; Christmas coats from Natalie Schaefer, Tessa Cain, and Connie Buffa; gift card from Marcie Lindvall; crib mattress, sheets, and baby bottles from Fran Harrell; food sorting for local students by Carol Tickner, Lainie Wachter, Kitty Price, and Andrea DeVitt; boys’ clothes from Jennifer Stokes; girls’ clothes and shoes from Marcie Lindvall; new tandem stroller for newborn twin girls from Vanessa Fujimoto; toiletries from Jayne Auchterone delivered to Prado by Linda Holland; formula from Elaine Stewart; travel bags for Family Care Network children from Linda Bishop; dolls to Family Care Network children from Jackie Miller; port-a-crib for homeless baby from Cathy LeMoine; bike for a mom’s transportation from Cindy Cole; baby clothes from Marla Lee Eaton, Kathleen Perez, Madeline Stevenson and Kitty Rice; newborn blankets, bouncers, monitor and toys from Lynda Pepper; volunteers for respite care – Carol Astaire, Ann Smith, Janet Swanson; Thanksgiving Dinner preparation by Judy Riener; wipes for C.L. Smith delivered by Judy Riener; Thanksgiving dinner for single father and his 4 children cooked and delivered by Genevieve Lewis and her friends; children’s clothes from Judy RIener; preemie girls clothes from Kristi Balzer; coats and clothing from Lainie Wachter; coats from Judy Riener; bike from Marla Lee and Robert Eaton and helmet and bike lock from Linda Wilbert – referral from Martha Lewis, Nipomo High; bike from Judy Hiltbrand to high school student; Christmas tree stands from Ginny Kenny, Judy Riener, Lois Crotser, and Hospice Partners Hope Chest to families at Laguna;  stroller and swing from Tania Arnold with delivery by Pat Cano; stroller for child with cerebral palsy from Monica Carinio; boy clothes, bouncer, and carrier from Dianne Weatherford; Christmas Day dinner for father and his two sons from Linda Bishop;  Christmas Eve dinner for homeless family from Jennifer, Scott, Ryan, Jake, and Brandon Stokes;  Christmas presents for homeless girls from Rodessa Newton and her family and for the mom from Kat Tuculet; 2 nights hotel stay for homeless mother and her 4 daughters from Anonymous; Christmas Day dinner for homeless family from Linda Jankay; meal coupons for homeless family from Lainie Wachter; hand-knitted blankets from Mama Bears; gifts for homeless mom and her 8 and 14-year-old girls from Karen Morgan, Carol Devore, and Susan Updegrove; Christmas dinner for single mom and her daughters from Nicole and Brad Kyker; 2 nights hotel stay for homeless mom and her 2 daughters from Janet Dietz, Arlene Yost, and Elaine Gardiner; Christmas gifts to the DeGroot children from Diana Henderson and Rosemary Cleaves; newborn diapers from Sjany DeGroot; bike for woman to get to work from Barb and Art Deel and lock and helmet from Roberta Filadelphia; baby blankets, crib sheets, and baby shoes from Kathleen Deragon; port-a-crib, sheets, blankets and more from Sarah Rudd; coat from Dianne and Bill Weatherford; high chair and changing table pad from Barb Wright; girls’ clothes, blankets, and toys from Corrine Furnice:  port-a-crib from Helma Smulders.  Total December 31, 2010 - $3,896.31
Funds Donated:  Rosemary Cleaves, Julie Schultz, Diane Wettlaufer, Susie Miner, Marylou Gooden, Carol Tickner, Marilyn Banducci, Diana Henderson, Marilyn Fuller, Elaine Gardiner, Lynn DeLeo, Roberta Filadelfia, Fetzer Vineyards, Linda Bishop, Nancy Hurd, Shelley Benson, Kat Tuculet, Kathy Hannula, Jeanne Dorn, Kathy Long, Wendy Daly, Tess Mathews, Sharynn Chirpich, Diana Foch, Sally Equinoa, Jayne Devencenzi, Naomi Blakely, Peggy Sneed, Vivian Levy, Anne Appel, Sarah Medzyk, Rosemary Cleaves, Carol Malott, Susan Updegrove, Natalie Schaefer, Gill and Linda Blonsley, Gail Sears, Ros McQuade, Linda Murray, Colleen Spafford, Nell Quijano, Mona Tucker, Mary Parker, Pat Cano, Carol Astaire, Martha Chivens, memorial donations from Linda Bishop, Linda Jankay, and Wendy Daly.  Total March 31, 2010 - $3,570.  Nancy Hurd, Julie Jones, Marcie Owens, Sharynn Chirpich, Carol Astaire, Tess Mathews, Judy Riener, Kathy Long, Rosemary Cleaves, Carol Tickner, Lisa Lewis, Donna Jeberjahn, Sally Equinoa, Wendy Daly, Gail Sears, Kitty Rice, Marilyn Fuller, Doreen Wetzel, Carolyn Bonzi, Arlene Yost, Julie Klopping, Mary Parker, Roberta Filadelfia, Phyllis Braiotta, Natalie Schaefer, Diana Foch, Arlene Versaw, Mona Tucker, Kathy Greer, Marylou Gooden, Susan Desmond, Kemay Eoyang, Kitty Rice, Linda Keetch, Patricia Streng, Phyllis Bettencourt, Susan Wilkison, Patricia Robertson, Janine Plassard, Stephanie Coray, Linda Wilbert, Bonnie McKim, Karen Daniel, Diana Henderson, Melanie Morgan, Nell Quijano, Candyce Espinoza, Ann Jones, Carolyn Platt, Betty Symons, Katie Forenza, Carole Morton, Sharyn Lombardi, Helen Powell, Jan Owens-Martinez, Leslie Johnston, Julie Silva, Nancy Shearer, Peggee Davis, Toni Stephenson, Carol Palmer, Ginny Kenny, Star Anton, Loretta Sonnabend, Lola Zybura, Cathy Hughes, Gail Applegate, Karen Baylor, Leona Sullivan, Sally Delgado, Betty LaPlante, Mariam Shah, Liz Parker, Rosemary Cleaves, Lynn DeLeo, Kim Ford, Rebecca Foley, Elizabeth Curren, Evelyn Ruer, Carol Devore, Claudeis Selby, Carol Devore, Susan Hood, Maribeth Peterson, Marianita Borgstrom, Sally Allmann, Leslie McKinley, Patricia O’Lear, Nan Williamson, Nancy Shearer, Naomi Blakely, Jayne Devencenzi, Linda Bishop, Ros McQuade, Mary Parker, Judy Obermeier, Linda Blonsley, Sandy Amborn, Janet Kourakis, Marcie and John Lindvall,  Karen Muschenetz, Anneka Scranton, Carol Astaire, Mary Parker, Carol Tickner, Rosemary Cleaves, Nell Quijano, Christine Pina, Diane Wettlaufer, Elaine Gardiner, Marilyn Banducci, Jordis Daigle, and Melaleuca.  Total June 30, 2010 - $6,327.23.  Henry Bull Foundation, Mary Parker, Nancy Shearer, Diane Wettlaufer, Susie Miner, Melaleuca, Colleen Spafford, Mary Parker, Kathy Long, Diane Wettlaufer, Stephanie Coray, Melaleuca, Roberta Filadelfia, Julie Schultz, Naomi Blakely, Diana Foch, Ros McQuade, Gail Sears, Marylou Gooden, Joyce Hunter, Sharynn Chirpich, Marilyn Fuller, Judy Williamson, Penny Porter, Elizabeth Curren, Maribeth Peterson, Marianita Borgstrom, Helaine Wachter, Connie Buffa, Jacquelyn Miller, Jeannette Powles, Helen Salerno, Carol Devore, Elaine Gardiner, Judy Long, Tess Mathews, Susan Updegrove, Kat Tuculet, Vivian Levy, Jacqueline Edmiston, Peggee Davis, Karen Baylor, Barbara Crawford, Stacy Gregory, Shelia Hardy, Karen Daniel, Leona Anderson, Lola Zybura, Cypress Ridge Fitness, Nell Quijano, Margaret Budd, Joy Pickell, Jean Dyer, Linda Osty, Lynda Burnsed, Candyce Espinoza, Leona Sullivan, Ladonna Rinn, Margaret Donaldson, Nancy Gerrish, Sue Tsao, Dale Imming, Patricia Negrete, Kitty Rice, Dianne Kring-Sonksen, Helen Powell, Loretta Sonnabend, Marla Eaton, Betty LaPlante, Betty Symons, Kathryn Forenza, Barbara Deel, Virginia Kenny, Susan Chandler, Pat Okura, Mona Tucker, Diana Henderson, Patricia Streng, Rosemary Cleaves, Arlene Versaw, Madeline Stevenson, Janie Holland, Mary Parker, Julie Jones, Sally Equinoa, Carol Stern, Carol Tickner, Kathy Greer, Elyse Ungar, Wendy Daly, Linda Bishop, Diane Wettlaufer, D’Elaine Patrick, Roberta Kassak, Melaleuca, Cathy Le Moine, Gale Garrison, Dianna Jackson.  Total September 30, 2010 - $7,408.55.  Mary Parker, Diana Foch, Julie rJudy Williamson, Naomi Blakely, Wendy Daly, Jeanne Dorn, Kathy Long, Ros Mcquade, Lyn Bonzi, Helma Smulders, Rosemary Cleaves, Marilyn Banducci, Sally Equinoa, Nan Williamson, Judy Riener; donations in memory of Bob McQuade from Jack Fraider, Lola Friedmann, Mildred Fraider, and Sandy Amborn; Diane Wettlaufer, Florence Simon, Stephanie Coray, Ingrid Kelly, California Scenic Coast Doll Club; Jackie Heitman, Debbie Bennett, Carol Astaire, Kathleen Perez, Candace Guldeman, Patricia Streng, Candyce Espinoza, Nell Quijano, Lynn DeLeo, Lola Zybura, Kathryn Forenza, Betty Symons, Virginia Kenny, Arlene Versaw, Phyllis Bettencourt, Nancy Gerrish, KeMay Eoyang, Miriam Shah, Star Anton, Sue Tsao, Cathy Hughes, Nancy Shearer, Mona Tucker, Sally Delgado, Marla Eaton, Rosemary Cleaves, Diana Henderson, Linda Blonsley, Madeline Stevenson, Diane Wettlaufer, Elaine Gardiner, Vickie Rabourn, Jean Gomes, Joanna Hamburg, L. June Hamburg, Nola Hines, Atascadero Community Band, Kitty Rice, Carol Devore, Helen Salerno, Mary Parker, Carol Tickner, Lynette Branch, Jim and Wendy Daly, Central Coast Chapter of the Womens Council of Realtors, Fred and Yvonne Hampton, Lois Crotser, Roberta and Frank Kassak, Ann Gough, Elaine Gardner, Janet Dietz, Roger and Linda Bishop in memory of Pete Dorn, Steve Fraider in memory of  Bob McQuade, Diane Wettlaufer, San Luis Obispo Country Club Women, Carol Astaire, for Oliver from Carol Astaire, Cross Speech & Language Center – Elam Family, Minke Winklerprins, Janet Holland in honor of Nora Gallison, Leslie Siembieda, Marti Lindholm, Terry Bothwell, Anonymous, Karen Muschenetz, Sally Equinoa, Shanti Gooden to honor Marylou Gooden, and Martha Chivens.  Total December 31, 2010 - $12,881.64.

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